Abbotsley Golf Hotel i Saint Neots

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeAbbotsley Golf Hotel



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Potton Road, Eynesbury Hardwicke, Saint Neots PE19 6XN, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1480 474000
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.1967135, Longitude: -0.2371427

kommentar 5

  • Doug Blackburn

    Doug Blackburn


    A waste of time and money.

  • Darryl Smith

    Darryl Smith


    Stopped over as an overnight guest. Staff were very friendly and helpful. Rooms were clean and tidy, unfortunately my employer had booked me a twin room so had a night in a single bed. We ate out in St Neots so cannot comment on the evening menu. The full English breakfast in the morning was epic! Really hit the spot.

  • en

    Mark Blackamore


    Beautiful location, quaint hotel with good staff. Great food. Perfect if you like walking, cycling (and of course golf)

  • Scott Kiddy

    Scott Kiddy


    I don't play golf I work away. This place is ideal for the travelling man that apreciates a quality quit place to stay . Good food good staff . Exellent.

  • en

    Tilly mint


    We made this a place for cousins to meet up after many years. We met in the restaurant where the service was average to say the least, then we entered the restaurant. Food was very poor, service was dreadful and we were not the only ones complaining. Steaks were in edible as was pork belly, soup was indescribable. Chef forgot the peppercorn sauce which when is asked for it got a very rude response of " well chef forgot" , we then received sauce which was white! Never seen white peppercorn sauce in my life, tasted it and it was milk and flour with no peppercorns, obviously did not put it on steak! Left steak anyway as it was all grizzle. The party at another table approached us to ask how our meals where we told them and they said theirs were dreadful also. We then asked for Irish coffee, told they did not know how to make them so we asked for ingredients and made them ourselves. Obviously deleted some items off the bill. Will not go back obviously!

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