Action Bikes i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeAction Bikes



🕗 åbningstider

23, Northumberland Avenue, WC2N 6NN, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7930 2525
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5069366, Longitude: -0.1231209

kommentar 5

  • Frank S. Aaskov

    Frank S. Aaskov


    Came in to get my brakes fixed, but they just adjusted them slightly for free, and they it would last me a bit longer before I needed to book a repair session for them.

  • masanext



    Not impressed with the Brompton bike stock. Not so keen to go there again.

  • en

    Christopher Ersser


    Had a service, new cassette and chain fitted but gears were terribly calibrated, couldn't get into front big ring when I picked up the bike and it clearly hadn't been test ridden or even tested. Rear gears were also slipping a lot. Took it back a couple of days later and the service was rude with no apology from anyone. Even after that it's still not running smoothly and can't get into the big ring from some gears - I know how to tweak the limits etc but whatever they have done is beyond me. Will likely have to take it somewhere else. Overall very disappointing and can't recommend them - you pay these prices to avoid this kind of hassle.

  • Fire Rescue

    Fire Rescue


    Muy buena tienda de bicis que abre los domingos Los dependientes muy amables y geniales

  • RiCo



    Having worked in the Charing Cross area for years, I've been going to this shop for years. Always been happy with their service, the staff have always been friendly & knowledgeable. (They're dropping a star 'cos after the last service I had done 2 days ago, there's still a problem that needs to be resolved, but I'm confident they'll handle it appropriately.)

nærmeste Cykel butik

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