Aldi i Truro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeAldi



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Highertown, Truro TR1 3PZ, Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 843 504 7263
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.2618337, Longitude: -5.0716721

kommentar 5

  • Julie Rapson

    Julie Rapson


    Lovely quality products lovely shops very good prices

  • en

    Liz Taylor


    Always big manual fork lifts in the isles sadly. Had to queue to get in,as flowers are in the entrance lobby and lady was selecting which meant we couldn't get in. It's a shame as the staff are lovely and there are many bargains to be had.

  • en

    Nuala Bond


    Not bad, fairly well laid out for the size of the shop. Seamed to have all that our local one stocks. Didn't really deal with the staff apart from at the till but as we only had 2 items was done in a minute. (by time we got to the top of the till that is) Was a bit annoyed that there was 2 tills open and people were queuing down the ails yet didn't open any more tills so took about 10 minutes to get from the end of the queue to the paid and gone. Wouldn't of bothered stopping if it wasn't for fact we was cold, wet and had just walked down from the hospital and was hungry. So only 4 stars if they opened more tills to at lest try keep up with customers the would have got a 5.

  • en

    Isabelle Woodcock


    A lot more choice to choose from now. Good value for money. Friendly staff.

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    Jamie Roberts


    You can't beat Aldi value but this store is too small for the clientele base it has. It is nearly always one in, one out in the car park. The interior could do with being refreshed a bit. Some of the store is looking old and tired. Other than that the staff are always friendly and no other supermarket comes close in terms of value for money.

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