Amba Hotel Charing Cross i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeAmba Hotel Charing Cross



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Strand, WC2N 5HX, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 800 330 8397
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Latitude: 51.5084912, Longitude: -0.1250563

kommentar 5

  • Nick T

    Nick T


    A very nice hotel adjacent to Charing Cross Station on the Strand. Staff are friendly and helpful. The bedrooms are very nice, clean and spacious. Big TV, free minibar with soft drinks, chocolate and crisps. Bathroom is large, a full bath and large shower with rain head. The bar on 1st floor is spacious, made up of three rooms, live music with piano, and a bar with comprehensive selection of beers and spirits.

  • en

    Marlot Vanwesemael


    We loved our stay at this hotel. The rooms are beautiful and very clean. The included minibar is a nice extra. The staff is very friendly and willing to help you with all your questions. The breakfast is very good. We also did an afternoon tea at the hotel and we enjoyed this too.

  • en

    Josh Isaac


    Nice spot for an afternoon tea. Friendly, attentive staff and a well decorated restaurant with a nice ambience for this sort of thing. The food and teas were good too. A couple of the desserts were a little too inventive at the cost of balanced flavour mixes but we appreciated the presentation. The view isn't anything special but there isn't much the hotel can do about that.

  • Jo Bell

    Jo Bell


    Old fashioned elegance and afternoon tea, served, as it probably was in the 50s. Beautiful sweeping staircases and attentive staff add to the decadence of the luxurious feel. Nothing is too much trouble and their aim is to satisfy. Toilets reflect the ambience but are beautifully clean and maintained. I didn't stay in one of the guest rooms, but if the public area is anything to go by, then I would say, I'd highly recommend it as a place to stay when travelling to, and staying in, the West end of London.

  • Alex Kueneman

    Alex Kueneman


    We got in late and they were there to let us in and get us situated in our room quickly. The night manager first offered Waters and explained there were also complementary snacks and drinks in rooms. The whole place was super nice! We could see the Thames from our room. The rooms were clean and bedding was very tidy and neat. All extra beds were set up and ready for us, all 4 of us were comfortable immediately. The bathroom facilities were modern and we'll taken care of. The multiple water/shower sources were nice. Switching from the overhead rain style to the wand easily made getting ready in the morning quick and relaxing. The location was the main reason we selected this hotel, we would do it again for many reasons now! Hospitality, service, appearance and etc...

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