Asda Norwich Superstore w Norwich

Zjednoczone KrólestwoAsda Norwich Superstore



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Drayton High Road, NR6 5DT, Norwich, Norfolk, GB United Kingdom
kontakt telefon: +44 1603 787384
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Latitude: 52.653012, Longitude: 1.2620846

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bruce Pearson


    Freezing in there today. Big problems with their air-con. Also found their soured cream was frozen...but I guess they will sell it in any case?

  • en

    peter howse


    My review is both good and bad. First the good. The 2 ladies on the homeware department were brilliant. Very friendly, very helpful, and it would seem very embarrassed by their team leader. Keep up the great work ladies. Now the bad part. I often pop in to grab a sandwich on the way to work when I've been too lazy to make one the night before. I was quite early for work on this particular day so thought I'd take a look at the camping equipment recently put on display. In particular an offer on chairs...2 for £12. Very reasonable I thought, but wait...none on display. I look around and find one of the previously mentioned ladies nearby who scans the sel. They had over 100 in stock, but as they'd only just come in no one had had the chance to put them out she explained. If you give me a couple of hours I'll get them out. Don't rush I said, I'll just pop in tomorrow. 3 days later I return... still no chairs, but all is not lost. Nearby I spy the lady who'd previously helped me, and her colleague. She remembered me and to cut a long story short it would seem none of the chairs had been put out. Luckily her team leader was close by so I inquired as to the possibility of someone gong and getting me 2 chairs. I was told, even though I'd waited 3 days, that this wasn't possible as the fork lift driver was busy. I can only assume she'd been having a bad hair day as her tone and attitude were definitely not up to Asda's normal high standards. At this point she rang someone and simply walked off. To cut a very long story short after waiting another 10 minutes and having a lovely chat with the 2 helpful ladies I went to the customer service desk to see if she had gone to get the chairs , or simply wandered off. To be fair she did then reappear with the chairs, (by the way they are very comfy), but offered no apology and if anything acted like I had put her out. Come on Asda is that really the attitude you expect from a member of the management team?

  • en

    Simon Baxter


    Turned away as I had my bike. Store policy?? Thats fine il take my money elsewhere!!

  • Devils Guard

    Devils Guard


    Always a pleasant shopping excursion. Staff are very very helpful, nothings too much trouble. I ALWAYS shop here for the different varieties and constant NEW products. No quibbling over returns. Only gripe I have... .....too many women use ASDA who CANT park straight and even in between 2 white lines. Have had 2 cars damaged, witnessed 12 others in last 6 months get same treatment. Poor reversing. Store fine....but people will always go elsewhere if they can't trust car parking.

  • Caitlin B

    Caitlin B


    It's an Asda. They sell stuff. Some is cheap, some isn't. Some is tacky, some is nice. Their breads not great, their fish is good. I wish they had better gin offers. Staff are as friendly and capable as you can expect for what they're paid and the hours they work. It's a supermarket. At the core they're all the same; soulless capitalism boxes.

najbliższy Supermarket

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