Baitul Aziz Islamic Cultural Centre i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBaitul Aziz Islamic Cultural Centre


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1, Dickens Square, SE1 4JL, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7378 7764
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4975246, Longitude: -0.0943896

kommentar 5

  • nozimul islam

    nozimul islam


    Lovely Airy Spacious Masjid. Open for all prayers. Open during the days. Kids classes available. Closest tube station is Borough or Elephant and castle. Womens area available. Disabled access. This Masjid is expanding. Therefore please donate generously.

  • en



    Great facilities but the people arent great

  • Wasif Farooq

    Wasif Farooq


    Alhamdulilah very nice masjid in a great location.

  • Md Enamul Hasan

    Md Enamul Hasan


    MasahAllah nearest mosque from elephant & castle and London Bridge area It’s an Excellent place for worship and has lots of community facilities for all and not just for Muslims. Very welcoming for people from different backgrounds. This mosque is well maintained. Keep up the good work and well done.

  • en

    Mohammad Zaman


    Masha Allah! Beautiful mosque. The door is always open for prayer. Parking is available. People of sunni pray here. There is prayer space for women in ground floor

nærmeste Moske

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