Bangor University i Bangor

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Det Forenede KongerigeBangor University


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Bangor LL57 2DG, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1248 351151
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Latitude: 53.2295205, Longitude: -4.1299873

kommentar 5

  • Nicholas Hatton

    Nicholas Hatton


    Bangor University is an institution with oodles of history, that continues to invest in cutting edge research. I studied for my Neuro imaging degree at Bangor. The department housed a state of the art scanner. I made friends from all over the world. I even managed to learn some Welsh. I would strongly recommend studying at Bangor, it is sure to change your life and leave you with some unforgettable memories.

  • Ferdy Gabriel

    Ferdy Gabriel


    Five star for the lovely staff in Bangor Business School...special shout out to Jonathan Williams (Head of Business School), he is very intelligent with a great personality!

  • en

    William McDonald


    Staff are slow and have forgotten my food order on multiple occasions. The atmosphere is normally poor although drinks are often £2 when games are opne

  • Muhasin V

    Muhasin V


    Awesome place for students. You have a perfect blend of awesome infrastructure and Relaxing Private life with along with centenaries of green Mountain,Seaside and Countryside, Access to everything , but not as busy a city, ,awesome accommodation,Classy Education, Lot's of scholarships and opportunities related to career, really Active and performing athletic unions for numerous sports ,Brilliant students societies. Multicultural hub Bangor is a city made for students :D

  • en

    Ellie Powling


    The best four years of my life! Would recommend Bangor uni to anyone wanting a well rounded university experience. Amazing courses, fab student union with free clubs and societies, and in such a beautiful part of the world. The university has achieved Gold status for its teaching this year, which is well deserved. The halls of residence are also award winning, along with the students union, which has many volunteering opportunities as well as the clubs and societies. Bangor university has the sense of community that other uni's don't have, and makes an amazing all round experience.

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