Bannatyne Health Club i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBannatyne Health Club



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4, Millbank, SW1P 3JA, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7233 3579
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.496816, Longitude: -0.126183

kommentar 5

  • en

    xkpol abder


    Absolutely awful gym, incredibly rude management and reception staff, which by the way has very high turnover. Unclean changing rooms, small pool often used by rude and aggressive phsyiotherapy practice. Strongly advise not using. Unfortunately they have pretty much guaranteed clientele being in office building in heart of media and government in Westminster, but at least readers can save their money and nerves by avoiding these ripoff merchants. And by the way, vast majority of reviews seem to agree with me, which is not always the case.

  • en

    Becky May


    Absolutely awful. Steer clear. My husband and I had a wedding gift (for a treatment each). We turned up. No staff had arrived. They were late! Waited for ages. Offered us no drinks. People who turned up 45 mins after us got offered drinks. We finally went in for the treatment to find it finished 15 mins before it should have (guess they were trying to make up time). Not impressed. No apology or communication for that matter. Extremely unprofessional. We will never go back.

  • steve peck

    steve peck


    Really great staff and an intense yoga class. Reasonable size gym and spa considering its location. The place could do with a refurb though! Quite tatty...

  • Maria L.

    Maria L.


    By far the worst gym I ever been. Facilities and equipment are poorly working and not clean properly. Not fully equipped with gym necessary machines i.e. there's no equipment for legs! Very small room for work out and at peak times it's so busy you can barely move around. Never had my introduction or any assistance from the employees when I first joined. Personal trainers only help you if you book a lesson with them. Better spend your money and time to any other gym because once you join you are sort of trapped with them and their excessive terms of service.

  • Jojo T

    Jojo T


    This club is going through some renovation soon, very old style changing rooms where you have to bring your own lock? They do provide them free in reception.. They are making changes fingers crossed

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