Bauhaus Hotel i Aberdeen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBauhaus Hotel


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52-60, Langstane Place, AB11 6EN, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1224 212122
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.1432639, Longitude: -2.1076231

kommentar 5

  • en

    Florian Scheuring


    Really nice rooms and freshly cooked breakfast.

  • en

    Tony Shaw


    Nice hotel in good location, booked a superior double and its ample size with very good decor, lovely big walk-in shower. Plenty choice for breakfast but no other meals available so need to eat out, which isnt too bad as there's a good choice of restaurants and pubs nearby.

  • Colin Simpson

    Colin Simpson


    Superb rooms , very spacious and bright. Great value for money. Definitely be back.

  • en

    Sophie Sadler


    Nice rooms, good location, thin walls though. Could hear a lot from people walking around to other people's televisions and also outside super noisy with a club if you're on the wrong side! Breakfast also not great, but included in the price. Coffee machine in room though and lots of space.

  • Lee Robertson

    Lee Robertson


    Nice hotel, well located close to the city centre and within easy reach of the train station. Room was well appointed and stylish. Good shower and comfortable furnishings in the room. Breakfast was unfortunately a bit lacklustre, with low quality ingredients in the fry up and weak lukewarm coffee. Undid a little of the otherwise good service and experience.

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