Bawn Lodge i Chester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBawn Lodge


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8-10, Hoole Road, CH2 3NH, Chester, Cheshire West and Chester, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1244 324971
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Latitude: 53.2003825, Longitude: -2.8769443

kommentar 5

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    Carole Clarke


    Great place to stay with family or not very close to historic Chester.... Will go there again soon.. Good very good and atmosphere great too.

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    Nat Buller


    Excellent bar staff and good pints. The lad behind the bar called jack was a good laugh as well, made us feel very welcome.

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    Karl Cochrane


    Great hotel, friendly atmosphere and the bar area is second to none in it appearance and the variety of drinks plus with the new look in the garden it adds a hole new dimension to the place 12/10 *.

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    Steve Wright


    Very good staff who always make you welcome. Good choice of hand pulled beers. Great place for us to meet on Thursday nights and chat.

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    Simon Lee


    We stayed only one night but the food we had was really good. Breakfast was good aswell. The staff were helpful quick to serve. The room was comfy and very warm relatively clean. Free car park to the rear and only a 10/15 min walk into Chester.good prices on everything beer food snacks.there is a little high street with shops directly opposite. All in all good value.

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