Beanfreaks Ltd i Cardiff

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBeanfreaks Ltd



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3, Saint Mary Street, CF10 1AT, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 29 2025 1671
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Latitude: 51.4800781, Longitude: -3.1793984

kommentar 5

  • Kosta Adamakis

    Kosta Adamakis


    The only central health store in Cardiff other than Holland & Barrett, yet offers pretty much what they do plus first - grade protein for bodybuilders

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    Jon Win


    Amazing place! Amazing, super-healthy food and smoothies that taste great! Wish I had discovered Beanfreaks sooner. Highly recommend it to anyone.

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    Zara Ali


    Love this place but my issue is not with the products or shop, it is with a staff member (short, curly brown hair) that I find absolutely rude everytime I come in, no thank you's or hi just complete ignorance, which makes me feel really uncomfortable. Went there to grab a few things yesterday morning but it will be the last time I ever go in there.

  • Michael Chislett

    Michael Chislett


    Great place! They also make super awesome juices! I highly reccomend it

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    James Bevan


    I love this place. I prefer it 10 fold to Holland and Barrett's. I buy all of my vitamins, raw food and tea. And the occasional snack from here. Not only do they have an abundance of health foods and supplements but they also have a running smoothie shop in here. Everything is fresh cut or peeled in front of you and they taste spectacular. Although their range of sports supplements are a bit too expensive for what they supply. The staff are on point in here. They always very helpful if you are searching for something in particular or suggesting possible products for you if you have an idea for what you want to buy or if you are experiencing some health related problems they are like doctors without the degree.

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