Best Western Bradford Guide Post Hotel i Low Moor

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBest Western Bradford Guide Post Hotel


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Common Road, BD12 0ST, Low Moor, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1274 607866
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Latitude: 53.7558186, Longitude: -1.7635966

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andy Turnbull


    Great food. No hassle from restaurant staff. Good free parking. Well recommended.

  • Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown


    Had a great time at a private function, the staff did a great job at the bar, and preparing the buffet. The fries were perfect. Nice clean place, recommend it.

  • Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown


    Nice place, clean and spacious lobby, renovated washrooms are done well, good bar service for the event we attended. A wee bit pricey.

  • Barry Smith

    Barry Smith


    Food was good and service was fast. Was lacking the extra touches of having condements offered staff was walking round sucking lollipop which the wife didn't like. We wasn't offered any wine with the meal.

  • en



    Stayed here for 1 night, they normally serve food at bar area but due to an event they offered room service with no service charge. Room was lovely. Huge bath and shower, comfy beds. Can't really go wrong for the price.

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