Best Western Premier Collection Dean Court Hotel i York

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Det Forenede KongerigeBest Western Premier Collection Dean Court Hotel


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Duncombe Place, YO1 7EF, York, York, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 625082
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Latitude: 53.9620265, Longitude: -1.0840817

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amy Krzeminski


    Best hotel experience ever! Beautiful inside and out. Staff members were very warm and friendly. Place is very clean, beautiful views from room, great food from kitchen, they even leave cookies in your room for you! Highly recommend this hotel. I'd definitely stay there again.

  • Gary Mars

    Gary Mars


    Had a 3 course lunch for £24 from Groupon (usually £30).... Superb. The food was way beyond expected. With approximately 8 choices for each starter / main / dessert, there is something for everyone. And the quality was top notch. Excellent!

  • Daniel Gregory

    Daniel Gregory


    They staff are amazing and friendly! They also provided us with a Cot for our little one. This is the place I will be staying for every visit! Did not try the restaurant but it doesn't look bad. Not one for doing heaps of travel and not going out for meals! We had a good sized room, the bed could probably be recycled soon but wasn't to bad.

  • en

    Patrick Tan


    We were given a family room with a view direct to York Minster! A bit of history on this hotel as it housed the priests and there was a underground tunnel leading to the church! Ask the friendly staff. The staff was helpful and professional. Location is superb. You can valet park for 20 pound per day.

  • Josh D

    Josh D


    Fantastic location. Great location to the city center, easy walking to anywhere you want to go in the center of York... The staff and management were amazing.. now the not so good,,,, we had a room that faced the main Street, it was loud and noisy ALL NIGHT LONG people talking will echo into your room, you will hear car door open and closing.. it was nice to have cool fresh air in the room, bring your walking shoes, and remember the UK is the smoking section.. most people smoke, it's aweful.. oh the bed is super hard.. like a box spring with a sheet on it hard.. good luck, don't miss York.

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