Blackpool Zoo i Blackpool

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBlackpool Zoo



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East Park Drive, FY3 8PP, Blackpool, Blackpool, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1253 830830
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Latitude: 53.8171533, Longitude: -3.0163041

kommentar 5

  • Karl Tighe

    Karl Tighe


    We went on a very cold day and some of the areas were closed. But there was plenty to do and see. Arrived at 10am left at 4pm.. Mid week is good as not too crowded. Liked so much bought a yearly pass

  • en

    Steve Gilroy


    Excellent facility with very plentiful variety of species and good standard of husbandry. Knowledgeable keepers provide several talks during the day. Cafe food is decent if a little expensive. Huge car park but not free like all others zoos I've visited

  • Neil Darby

    Neil Darby


    A great day out! The animals seemed happy and well looked after, and were often content to come over to look at the guests which was great to see. There were a lot of very cute babies too! The parking costs extra but at £2.50 for the day is reasonably priced. The drinks on the park were also reasonably priced (£2 a coffee).

  • David Barnes

    David Barnes


    Great zoo. Plenty to see even if the animals are inside you can still go in and see them. Food and drink is reasonable as well. I'd recommend doing the book in advance and including the meal deal.

  • Charles Ellis

    Charles Ellis


    Excellent place. Amount of information provided for each animal is phenomenal. Enclosures are large and well equipped. Loads to do and will spaced out. Loads for kids to do as well. The paths around the zoo are well maintained and clean. The routes are also well thought out so you can get round to see everything without doubling back or getting confused where you are. Staff are helpful and it was easy enough to find someone if needed. Facilities were Chan and tidy and space out around so you were never to far away from them.

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