Blanch House Hotel Official i Brighton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBlanch House Hotel Official



🕗 åbningstider

17, Atlingworth Street, BN2 1PL, Brighton, The City of Brighton and Hove, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1273 603504
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.8195684, Longitude: -0.1293623

kommentar 5

  • Yvonne Hayden

    Yvonne Hayden


    Great chic hotel. Lovely cocktails. Everyone friendly.X

  • en

    Chris Bailey


    I have been to Blanch House several times now and it always a consistently excellent experience. The staff are very friendly and helpful, the owners are lovely and the food is delicious. I would highly recommed Blanch House for an event or as a place to stay.

  • en

    Caroline Coombes


    Such a lovely place to stay. Clean tidy and had lots of character. The staff were so friendly and helpful, we were made to feel very welcome. And the breakfast in the morning was amazing! Thank you very much for making our stay perfect!

  • en

    Bono Dura


    Fantastic experience had during our 2 day stay. Kerry and his team are first class and the specification and cleanliness 10/10. Can't wait for an excuse to book again. Keep up the excellent work

  • DJ Howard

    DJ Howard


    Wonderful stay. Nice upgrade to celebrate our honeymoon too. Staff were great, non-intrusive yet attentive. Food was great, room was excellent and well tended. Great location, everything within walking distance. A real charming place to enjoy a break. Easily the best hotel experience I've had abroad. Thank you kindly to all at Blanch House for a lovely few days in Brighton.

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