Boots i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBoots



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1, Kings Square, YO1 8BH, York, York, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 671204
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Latitude: 53.9603818, Longitude: -1.0802765

kommentar 5

  • David Orchard

    David Orchard


    Sound advice from pharmacist. Quick, pleasant service.

  • Jimmy H

    Jimmy H


    A busy mess. Poorly laid out store. Expensive.

  • en

    Matthew Nicholls


    Good selection of products though more expensive than supermarkets for the same items.

  • Brian Smith

    Brian Smith


    Close to home a smaller Boots lacking the selection of large branches. Pharmacist closes for lunch 12.15 to 13.00

  • en

    Kai Abella


    Was seen to by the only man who does prescriptions. Balding and has an accent. Been served by him twice already and both times he is patronising, dismissive and rude. All I am trying to do is get my prescription. It wasn't helping especially as I was obviously physically ill and adding to that a prescription for depression and anxiety (which he was surely aware of reading my prescription) and all I get is a patronising earful that has made me feel stupid and no medication. If that man is the manager, then I feel sorry for the rest of the staff because they are all lovely. Never going to ask for this man's help ever again. Absolutely useless.

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