BP i Edinburgh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBP



🕗 åbningstider

77, Ferry Road, EH6 4AQ, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 131 554 2279
internet side: www.bp.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.974659, Longitude: -3.1825841

kommentar 5

  • en

    c h


    Wouldn't even give it a star if I could. The Attendant brought me green capped milk not blue which I asked for Attendant refused to get it when I pointed this out despite being g tiny shop :/ he also couldn't find the tin of salmon which was only separated from the tuna by the tin of sweetcorn which he had already retrieved for me earlier. Brutal customer service and if you like receiving sullen looks please arrive late at night for the taller Indian man who works there next time I will be filming and putting up the footage on youtube DO YOURSELF A FABOURNEMOUTH AND GO ELSEWHERE. Thank you BP for hiring another degenerate who refuses to walk round your miniscule shops for something your staff can't be f***** getting because they weren't listening before you asked for the item. Trading Standards should be notified.

  • en

    Patricia Mooney


    Never met a more arrogant, ignorant person. Ajid served me. So ignorant

  • en

    Ashiq Hussain


    Been here a few times mostly mornings, served by a guy called peris who is very arrogant. Poor service overall not to mention the high fuel prices. Better to go to morrisons further down the road

  • Adam Wolski

    Adam Wolski


    Not cheap and always bad smell inside... If you are washing your car there is usually no soap, just clear water no matter how much you pay and which programme you choose. For example on the others BP stations there is plenty of foam when you pay for full programme - not on this one though. Waste of money for water only.

  • en

    Richard Johnson


    A few pence a litre more expensive than the supermarkets. Blowing up tyres is expensive. Better off using Morrison's further along ferry road.

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