B&Q i Peterborough

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeB&Q



🕗 åbningstider

Maskew Avenue, PE1 2HS, Peterborough, Peterborough, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 1733 891166
internet side: www.diy.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5945115, Longitude: -0.261582

kommentar 5

  • Russell Jacklin

    Russell Jacklin


    Has everything you need under one roof, so easy,

  • en

    Reginald Williams


    Very good. First time at this B&Q since moving here. Service and help were excellent. Biggest B&Q I've ever seen. Need to return to have a full look around.

  • en

    Helen Hobling


    So a bit of a weird task for Bob and other staff today but Bob stepped up to the mark 😊 I am setting up my new Yoga classes and was looking for something I could use as an ab roller.Found the pipe insulation foam and started telling Bob my story. He kindly laid down on a piece to see if it stayed circular, and yes we had a bit of a giggle. Of course then I had to check it would be suitable and Im sure some customers thought Id fallen over lol. Great team and even got each piece cut in half so I didnt have to do that. The real deal cost approx £40 in John Lewis....these £1.25 each when cut. Bargain! New businesses need a helping hand, thanks guys 😊

  • La Gaulette

    La Gaulette


    Seems to have almost everything you need with a small cafe on the inside too can't go wrong 😊




    A good experience at the shop it about DIY like wood work and the different materials the shed are very good and strong and reliable affordable this is very good shop for people who make things like sheds or paint or work with paints and sheds and wood I really recommend this shop to them

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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