BrightHouse i Newbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBrightHouse



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27-29, Kennet Centre, RG14 5EN, Newbury, West Berkshire, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1635 641521
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4004235, Longitude: -1.3241057

kommentar 2

  • Zbigniew Dolata

    Zbigniew Dolata


  • Jo W

    Jo W


    Bright house.i went to bright house last Friday to see if i can cancel the insurance because it was costing me to much.i wanted the stuff to go back, because i know cant afford to keep them. that was ment to happen. but they lied to me.when i got home, i rang bright house again, and said i would like to go head for them to take my stuff back to bright house, i spoken to Dan , he said someone will come out on Monday to get the stuff, then Monday came i waited in all day, then bout 4pm i rang them back to say no one has come, then he said in the 40 minutes this was before 4pm that was at midday, then when i spoken to Dan at 4pm, he told me he didn't say they was coming out to get the stuff, then i was in a right state, so i got someone else to ring them and sort this out.later that day i rang back and said i would like all the stuff to go back,i was talking to martin,he said you havent paid, it wasn't even due yet, plus they didn't want to take the full payment two weeks, because there was a problem. i said to martin, i would like all my stuff to go back he they will come out on Friday to take all the stuff, im not longer want them, i will never go back to the shop.i am not being lied to like that. i wanted the stuff to go back, because i know cant afford to keep. that was ment to happen. but they lied to me.

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