Brighton Station Health Centre i Brighton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBrighton Station Health Centre



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84-87, Queens Road, BN1 3XE, Brighton, The City of Brighton and Hove, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 333 321 0946
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Latitude: 50.8279159, Longitude: -0.1412708

kommentar 5

  • Neil Walters

    Neil Walters


    Depends who answers the phone. On one occasion I had the phone put down on me 3 times. Since then there has been a greater understanding of my situation .

  • Lia Deflandre

    Lia Deflandre


    I went for an ear pains that became unbearable very quickly and after having read the reviews, I was quite scared. I went there on a sunday at 11h45 and saw a doctor at 2h45pm. Indeed, the wait was long but I did see someone who diagnosed me and prescribed antibiotics. The staff was polite and efficient, though obviously they could have been smiling more. I wouldn't complain too much since I did get the info and medication I needed, taking into account the volume of people and that it's free, I'm happy with the service provided.

  • en

    Human Punchbag


    The superior and deserving members of the human race who have responsibility for people's health in this place take the opportunity to damage the lives the human punch bag scum that they despise and are fully entitled to treat like dirt. Such as telling someone who has a high temperature to go sit in a hot room to "sweat it out" in the hope that the scum will suffer the consequences by becoming delirious. It's only right that the root of all evil in the shape of the undeserving inferior scum should be smashed into the ground by the righteous so that the superior and deserving ones can continue enjoy their privileged lives in one of the richest areas on earth.

  • en

    Kerry McDonald


    Although having read some terrible reviews, I had no option but to visit this centre after falling ill during the Christmas period. The reception staff were helpful enough and I was called to be seen within an hour by a nurse called Charlotte who was absolutely fantastic. She was both friendly and professional and took a great deal of care over my treatment to ensure that I left feeling positive and well informed. Based on my personal experience, I would definitely recommend this service.

  • Richard Butcher tuset

    Richard Butcher tuset


    My experience of this surgery is extremely poor. My prescriptions (before I selected to use online service see below) have been routinely wrong, forgotten or cancelled without explanation. Dr's have been rude, rushed and unsympathetic in the extreme. Walk in patients seem to get priority over registered patients for urgent attention. If you have an ongoing condition you cant make an appointment in advance. There is no pro active approach to prevention and well-being - and there is a significant absence of a well man service. Generally hygiene of the waiting areas, reception and toilets is very poor. On the good side the call back service is often responsive (though the quality of Dr care poor) and the online prescription service seems to work on the whole but is sometimes very slow. Basically don't register here - go else where - and only use this surgery as a walk in if you really need to.

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