Britannia Nottingham Hotel i Nottingham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBritannia Nottingham Hotel


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1, Saint James's Street, NG1 6BN, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 222 0098
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Latitude: 52.952304, Longitude: -1.1539236

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sophie Stephenson


    We were put into a room that was very spacious for the price. Although we were right near the lift. Which we could hear every night. The floor was quiet which was great the only problem was our card keys we had to keep getting themy recur

  • Paolina Petkova

    Paolina Petkova


    Awful and cold rooms. Dirty windows windows and cracks on the wall. The corridors full on stains and ripped carpets. However friendly staff and good location.

  • en

    Jean Pierre Varet


    Good front reception staff but poor standard this hotel need to be upgraded and refurbished in a big way, the photos of the hotel must have been done at least 25 years ago. Cleanness is just ok.

  • Andrei Procopie

    Andrei Procopie


    Yeah, don't stay here. 'No outside food or drink signs abound' and you have to pay extra for wifi. Breakfast is pretty good and staff are quite helpful and friendly, but the hotel itself is old and in need of new furnishings.

  • en

    Tammera ‪


    It was a two night stay, the main door wasn't working so had to use the disabled door which stayed open for a considerable amount of time, this led to the lobby being freezing. With only one staff member seeing to the check in and outs, this led to a considerable amount of time being in the lobby freezing waiting to check in. The lobby area was very run down however it is a very cheap hotel, I couldn't have expected more for the price. The room was exceptable. The heating didn't appear to be working, it wasn't cold but just lukewarm. It was cold at night but a blanket was supplied. The shower was good. The room was nice. Everything furniture wise was supplied and acceptable.

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