Bulgari Hotel London i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBulgari Hotel London


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171, Knightsbridge, SW7 1DW, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7151 1010
internet side: www.bulgarihotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5015314, Longitude: -0.1627878

kommentar 5

  • Ryan Nappi

    Ryan Nappi


    One of my favourite venues of all time. This hotel is one of the best kept secrets in London. Their spa is incredible and the smell of every area around the hotel is sublime. I have used their meeting facilities numerous times and it attracts guests every time. The staff are very friendly and professional. For personal and business use, the Bulgari Hotel is second to none

  • Toby Cook

    Toby Cook


    The bar is around the back of the ground floor. It's fairly well stocked but cocktails are hit and miss. Knightsbridge prices too. It's secluded and good for an impromptu informal meeting.

  • Abike Abu

    Abike Abu


    Gorgeous hotel as you would expect. A bit snobby in the bar (as you would expect I guess...) Bar also wasn't open late which was a surprise and a shame. But very chic. Will go again.

  • en

    Simon Addinsell


    A very good meeting with friends. Very central, in Knightsbridge. Service can be a little slow at times, but not enough to get in the way. Delicious food, but the portions are a bit small! ( When my main course came, I did say that I'd ordered it as my main, not as a starter) However, if you do order two or three starters instead, you'll be happy, and well fed

  • Pernthaler Pernthaler

    Pernthaler Pernthaler


    top service

nærmeste Spa

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