Caerfai Bay Caravan & Tent Park i Saint Davids

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCaerfai Bay Caravan & Tent Park



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Ffordd Caerfai, SA62 6QT, Saint Davids, Pembrokeshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1437 720274
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.873259, Longitude: -5.258309

kommentar 5

  • Ritchie Langley

    Ritchie Langley


    Great views and facilities. Lovely place to start coast walks. Friendly staff.

  • en

    Peter Edwards


    Lovely place for holiday. Good walks. Nice place to eat. The carpenters Arms good for food. And drink.

  • Gareth Lewis

    Gareth Lewis


    Right on the coast path, quite a steep path and a few steps down to the sea, but not too difficult Great sea views, and a really well thought out campsite.

  • en

    colin palmer


    Good views..adequate facilities. Can be windy...of course Staff friendly and obliging. Access to the beach can be challenging if one has restricted mobility. St Davids has access to all the usual requirements caravanners may need.

  • en

    Hippy Chick


    We stayed at several caravan parks on our recent holiday to Wales and this was definitely the best. The staff were very friendly and helpful. The site was clean and accessible with amazing sea views. But best of all were the facilities. The showers were very clean and spacious and they have the most wonderful kitchen/laundry/wash up/computer room. It's so light filled; clean and well equipped. You can prepare food and drinks and stay warm and dry. There is a microwave; toaster; kettle and halogen ring. I even found kitchen tools and chopping boards. There is a safe area for babies and toddlers to play (toys provided); tables and chairs; information about local walks; facilities and a computer to use if needed. They even have safe boxes to charge up tablets and phones. Top notch. 🤗

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