Cambridge Audi i Cambridge

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCambridge Audi



🕗 åbningstider

83, Babraham Road, CB22 3AY, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1223 581566
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Latitude: 52.1680821, Longitude: 0.1568768

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pete Mulvey


    Good service and friendly staff. Carried out warranty work with no fuss.

  • tony choy

    tony choy


    nice cars. warm staff. this may be why audi sells well.

  • en

    Mathieu Dufer


    Like a few comments I have read on this garage I can confirm that the service department is very bad. You have to call them multiple time to get an update, they send you wrong photos, they do not carry the work when you approved it. Both tyres were pretty worn and they suggest that I change only one of the 2 tyres for example. They also broke the opening of the hood and refuse to acknowledge it, was promised a phone call to discuss that and never received anything ...

  • en

    Mr C


    I can only rate the service and parts department, with whom I had direct contact. Both lived up to the high expectations of the brand and were genuinely knowledgable, efficient and helpful.

  • en

    Liz B


    Great place with great service. Shane was very helpful in helping me pick out a great car. Highly recommend

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