Cambridge Hotel i Middlesbrough

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCambridge Hotel


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161, Cambridge Road, TS5 5HL, Middlesbrough, Middlesbrough, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1642 816775
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Latitude: 54.5542822, Longitude: -1.2616541

kommentar 5

  • Melissa Bown

    Melissa Bown


    Never ever been in but I drive past it everyday...

  • tom maxwell

    tom maxwell


    Basic budget hotel, but super friendly.

  • Paul Garvin

    Paul Garvin


    Top top hoteI can't pay enough complements. From Marie the gaffer to Sam the worker. The rooms were nipping clean, and the beds were so comfy. And don't get me started about the beer. Would recommend to anyone & everyone. Best Regards Paul Bass Guitarist The Danglers x.

  • en

    Jack Jaskolski


    Stayed on 14/5/2015. Accommodation comfortable. Host and staff friendly at bar. Food average. It is ok for budget accommodation. This was just a stop off between cities. Jack. Sydney. Australia.

  • en

    Amelia Newsam


    The Cambridge is a great example of old-world hospitality. The proprietress is a lovely woman, kind and helpful and personable. She found a hair dryer for me and even raided her own kitchen to bring us some yogurt at breakfast. The rooms were clean and comfortable, and the heated towel racks in the bathroom were a convenience we had not experienced before. All in all, we enjoyed our stay very much!

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