Camden Town Hall i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCamden Town Hall



🕗 åbningstider

Judd Street, WC1H 9JE, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7974 4444
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Latitude: 51.5289206, Longitude: -0.1256951

kommentar 5

  • S



    I run a start up business and have changed the building from a shop to a gym yet am still charged for a shop. I understand the valuation office determine when Camden can change mine but for a start up the length of time they take is ridiculous and they hold no account details so it utterly useless trying to get any useful information from them. At this rate all start up businesses in Camden will close and pay the wrong business rates. Bravo. Also they are extortionately high for such s**t service

  • en

    Kariim AShkiR


    Rowley way building no heating 3 months and no hot water . Dirty council

  • en

    Alex Mc


    Efficient, organised and friendly. The staff were cheerful and quickly got my certificate sorted. Security answered my questions politely and were helpful.

  • Edwin Bradford

    Edwin Bradford


    The worst council I have encountered so far in the UK together with Cambridge. No recycling collection at our building. Eight weeks to reply to an email inquiry. Employees only addressed half of my questions and ignored the rest. Letters supposedly sent never arrive. Impossible to get through on the phone. And they wonder why Private sector workers don't think Public sector workers deserve a pay rise.

  • Leonor Felt Buddies

    Leonor Felt Buddies


    The staff are lovely here. You know they're busy but they're always courteous and help you out as much as they can. I had a number of questions that I asked both online and in person and was always happy with the responses I got. The only thing that could use some improving is their website - some things aren't too easy to sort online and I had to email them, but got a call back and when dealing with the same issue in person they got everything sorted for me right there and then.

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