Cargo i Southampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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20-22, Oxford Street, SO14 3DJ, Southampton, Southampton, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8082 9042
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Latitude: 50.8983421, Longitude: -1.3987211

kommentar 5

  • Pichet Wongtareo

    Pichet Wongtareo


    Rustics, but friendly service. A room kinda small for American standard. Foods are good both quantity and quantity.

  • Sophie Churn

    Sophie Churn


    Came here for lunch, and the food was tasty and delicious. Great deal got drinks 2for1 cocktails 🙂 Service was good and friendly, would come back again.

  • en

    Sarah allen


    Wonderful restaurant and bar, decor was lovely. Location great if you want to drink and party. Our room was OK apart from the cleanliness, shower was all lime scaled and needed a thorough clean. The room had electric sockets which were slightly loose on the wall. Was very disappointed as paid £77 for a boutique experience but got very shabby chic instead.

  • vincent foure

    vincent foure


    It's a really nice place to go for a drink. Nice ambience and great stuff

  • en

    Michael Crees


    A good independent hotel, essentially all you need in one place a good bar serving good beer and apparently cocktails, then good evening food with decent bedrooms for the sleeping bit. Then an excellent breakfast to set you up the following morning. Stayed a few times with work and will definitely stay again.

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