Cargo en Bristol

Reino UnidoCargo


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Gaol Ferry Steps, BS1 6WD, Bristol, City of Bristol, GB Storbritannien
contactos teléfono: +44
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Latitude: 51.447094, Longitude: -2.5992641

comentarios 5

  • en



    Nice place to go. Went to the cider shop which was great as you can try before you buy! Craft beers too and lots of places to eat.

  • en

    Evie Pearce


    So cool, loads of different foods to try and shops to suit everyone! But highly recommend trying a bubble tea. We were served by a lady called Nay, she was super friendly and helpful as we couldn't decide what tea we wanted!

  • Andrew Clare-Hudson

    Andrew Clare-Hudson


    Quite funky, lots of food outlets and a few other micro stores, wine shop, cider shop, organic food store etc. Much better if weather good, outdoor cafe vibe. Slightly expensive but good quality. Best have a look online before going!

  • en

    Odette Borsten


    Friendly team and felt looked after even while it was so busy. The food is great and salsas are tasty. Ox cheek taco and about and cactus recommended! Good with vegan options! Loved, loved, loved the Margherita... s.

  • Jim Coles

    Jim Coles


    Great if you are the sort of person who's scared of stokes Croft and want to spend far too much money on eating a meal in a shopping container... there are far better and simultaneously cheaper and more spacious places to eat and drink in Bristol - with a better atmosphere. Don't believe the hype.

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