CeX i Woking

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCeX



🕗 åbningstider

6, Band Stand Mall, Peacocks, Woking GU21 6GB, UK
kontakter telefon: +44
internet side: webuy.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.3195332, Longitude: -0.5612557

kommentar 5

  • James Carson

    James Carson


    Well priced movies and electronics. Sold me Zootropolis BluRay and Lala Land DVD for £6 each. Discs and boxes were in immaculate condition. Staff took the time to look for a DS Stylus and eventually ended up giving me a bright green one. No their electronics are not always in the best condition and their grading could be better but it's all preowned it's not going to be perfect. Even the A grades have small marks on them.

  • Simon Algar

    Simon Algar


    Avoid - warranty is pointless. Anything goes wrong and they claim accidental damage. Brought a camera in good faith and it breaks within a few months. They send it off for "repair" only to be told (4 weeks later!) that it's accidental damage and they refuse to repair it. Be warned buying anything from here.

  • CraftTechHD



    There games always lag and even don't work sometimes. Also staff are rude.

  • en

    Isha A


    I bought a phone which has had multiple issues, even though it is a grade A phone. The waiting times are ridiculous and once during the many visits had to wait 1 hour and 30 minutes. The staff seem too busy to help wholeheartedly.

  • Neil Tidman

    Neil Tidman


    Only one possibly two members of staff that actually know what there doing. Manager is rude unhelpful and for sum reason seems like they have selected items they take whether other stores do or not guildford much better and friendlier and alot more helpful and knowledgeable.

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