Charing Cross Police Station i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCharing Cross Police Station



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Agar Street, WC2N 4JP, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5097659, Longitude: -0.1246502

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edward Watt


    Very disorganised but we got there in the end. Left hand don’t know what the right one doing!!

  • Andy B

    Andy B


    Excellent central London location within easy reach of the bright lights and attractions and once you have made you way indoors you are unlikely to want to leave. The reception procedure seems a little formal to be honest, being asked if you want to read the "codes of practice" and being frisked is a new one but each place has quirks! The rooms have a certain retro minimalist chic about them (if you have ever stayed in a Holiday Inn you will be familiar) and have efficient room service. The place is so popular it is impossible to book in advance!... it must be good then. First come first served here and bizarrely incudes free legal facilities if you need them in a kind of Russian roulette approach to solicitors (1 in 4 chance of getting a good one). Premier Inn could learn alot!

  • en

    Jon Upton


    I was in the room with a view number 32, unfortunately the view was rather exaggerated and the room.... well..... let's just say u corked a dump out of fear of improving the decor. Lovely guy took my fingerprints which was like a trip out the box but the all day breakfast was vile, if that's breakfast wake me up at lunch!

  • ko



    제 친구가 샤워하는데 누군가가 화장실 창문 안으로 핸드폰을 비집어 넣은걸 신고했는데 플래쉬가 안 켜졌는데 찍힌게 확실하냐 이딴 소리나 하면

  • aServiceAngel



    Very helpful team of officers at Charing Cross Police Station providing a great service even in busy periods.

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