Churchbank i Beaumaris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeChurchbank


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28, Church Street, LL58 8AB, Beaumaris, Isle of Anglesey, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1248 810353
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Latitude: 53.2640839, Longitude: -4.0936378

kommentar 5

  • Carl Mackie

    Carl Mackie


    The place is absolutely perfectly positioned for exploring the beautiful town of Beaumaris on foot. The free of charge carpark is useful for going further afoot if you want to use Churchbank as a base for this. The rooms are spacious and well decorated, with all the modern amenities one would expect (free WiFi! Biscuits!) from a top class establishment. It is Richard who really makes Churchbank though. His affability is a huge strength, as is his local knowledge. He cooks a mean breakfast too! All in all I couldn't recommend Churchbank highly enough!

  • en

    Lynne Noblet


    Wonderful b&b, lovely room with very cosy comfy bed. Great breakfast and Richard was a lovely host and would highly recommend. Many thanks Richard for a great two days. Lynne & Stuart

  • en

    Dianne Fletcher


    Lovely place to eat and relax

  • Matt Davies

    Matt Davies


    Great price, good location.

  • en

    Adam Beswick


    Fantastic B&B, super clean, quiet, friendly. Nice dog called Bruce on site too.

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