Cineworld Cinema Middlesbrough i Middlesbrough

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCineworld Cinema Middlesbrough


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Marton Road, TS1 2DY, Middlesbrough, Middlesbrough, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 330 333 4444
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Latitude: 54.5761858, Longitude: -1.2280907

kommentar 5

  • Mark Ayres-Russon

    Mark Ayres-Russon


    Great cinema. Some films are not on long enough, food and drink is expensive.

  • Andrew Ryan

    Andrew Ryan


    Multiple screens. Disabled access. Pay on card or cash. Bookable tickets. Midnight premiers.

  • en

    Monika Barancova


    Lovely place to make memories or enjoy a film, my every visit to this place was positive. The quality of the food or staff was always excellent.This place became one of my favourites really fast and I'm looking to come back as often as I possibly can whether it's a treat or just a spontaneous idea.

  • en

    James Robinson


    Large cinema with all the new films. Decent food though a little overpriced if you're not a member. Good member benefits and good friendly staff. Cinema seating and pictures are very good

  • en

    P Briki


    Good cinema, friendly staff, very helpful on the ticket desk. Sound and picture quality good. Seats could to with a bit of re-padding was a bit uncomfortable towards the end. Needs seating in foyer area. 80yr old Mum is disabled and can't stand for long, and there was nowhere for her to sit while we waited for the rest of the family to arrive. We couldn't go past the ticket collector to an area where there were seats as we had the other family members tickets. Possibly our own fault for not foreseeing this, but could be solved by adding one bench seat.

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