City Marshall Sports Massage Therapy i Cardiff

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Det Forenede KongerigeCity Marshall Sports Massage Therapy



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43, Charles Street, CF10 2GB, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 7502 104339
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Latitude: 51.4807, Longitude: -3.1730485

kommentar 5

  • en

    Noor Ismail


    My husband went for back and neck pain because of his work and he really gave us some really good advice and the treatment was explained thoroughly. His diagnosis and treatment were spot on .. highly recommend

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    Damari LAst


    So happy that I read the reviews on here and made an appointment with Marshal way in advance. The treatment was a real eye-opener. He told me more about my own body and taught me so many obvious mistakes that I have been doing - that he was the highlight of my trip to Cardiff. Make no mistake. The massage is amazing - a real treat, which felt like a true master with bags of experience. But he also spent about 25 to 30 minutes analysing my poor posture, teaching me how to walk properly and even explained the importance of vitamin D. There are no words. Simply unmissable - go there, and you will be enlightened.

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    Ruth Nasrat


    Magic ! I have had more holistic treatments than I can count. But this Philips shiatsu treatment blew my mind e away. I went in with a terrible back thinking it would take several treatments to just be able to get to the point I am at less than 24 hours after one shiatsu treatment with Philip. Thank you.

  • en

    Gemma Andrews


    This is one very special therapy centre. I have been to many and trust me – Marshall Massage is unique. The therapist is genuine, caring and attentive. He listens and then advises with a lot of patience. He certainly knows his stuff and knows how to put you at ease. His spectrum of medical knowledge and qualifications is very impressive and his many testimonials are no surprise to me at all. There is ample parking at the rear and the train station (Cardiff Queen Street) is 3 minutes away. Bravo!

  • B A

    B A


    I have booked a session with Phillip to help my body relax after intense exercise. All my expectations were not only met but also exceeded. Phillip also taught me about the relevance of magnesium and vitamin D for which I am grateful. He was very helpful and professional at every step. During the session, I particularly enjoyed Hopi ear candling, which was not only relaxing for my body but also for my mind. I recommend Phillip's 'City Marshall' with no hesitation.

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