Costa Coffee i Dundee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCosta Coffee



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Lower Mall, Overgate Shopping Centre, Dundee DD1 1UE, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1382 206137
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.4592197, Longitude: -2.9739316

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jenna Strachan


    I've got two wee ones and Costa is a great place to stop, especially when they've got the comfy sofas available! There are so many coffee shops in Dundee but Costa give a consistently good coffee and I've found some of the others don't. Only thing is though they are expensive.

  • en

    Allan Patterson


    Friendly staff good selection of snacks

  • Scott G

    Scott G


    Good staff. Very quick on a lunch rush.

  • Jon Brady

    Jon Brady


    If you know Costa, you know what to expect. Good quality coffee, getting better since they introduced limited blends so you can try something new once in a while.

  • Mark Forrester

    Mark Forrester


    Typical Costa experience. Staff are very good and attentive. It can be really busy in here though and I would never describe the place as cosy as it's open to the rest of the shopping centre.

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