County Arms i Truro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCounty Arms



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Highertown, TR1 3PY, Truro, Cornwall, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1872 273972
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.2612015, Longitude: -5.073243

kommentar 5

  • en

    JJ Hopgood


    Popped in for a quick drink. Staff were freindly and helpful. Great first impression.

  • en

    Tina Westcott


    Stayed here for a few days recently. The hotel room we stayed in was absolutely amazing with lovely views. It was very nicely decorated and extremely clean. The bar was also very nice and had a great menu. I advised the chef that I was gluten free and he said that I could have virtually everything on the menu which was excellent. We would definitely stay here again and recommend it to anyone who wanted to stay near Truro.

  • en

    Alex Huth


    The County Arms is like a soulless London chain pub in almost every respect - average decor, atmosphere, food, and above average prices. The staff were friendly but despite not being busy, sat us right next the kitchen where the sound of the dishwasher or some other equipment, through the open door drowned a lot of our conversation. At least in London you get better sound-proofing. Take a twenty minute walk into town and get better options.

  • en

    The google User 197


    Clean and tidy, food looked nice but didn't try. Staff serving were polite and helpful. Great views over the valley. A little pricey but nothing silly money. Quality pub.

  • Mike Hoskin

    Mike Hoskin


    Had the lunchtime carvery, two delicious meats (good quantity too) including a not fatty piece of pork - excellent! - plenty of veg and potatoes, and very tasty sausage meat spheres. Very clean and fresh interior and tons of parking, would definitely recommend.

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