Craigtay Hotel and Hubrara Function Suite i Dundee

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Det Forenede KongerigeCraigtay Hotel and Hubrara Function Suite



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101, Broughty Ferry Road, DD4 6JE, Dundee, Dundee City, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1382 609025
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Latitude: 56.4670089, Longitude: -2.9469345

kommentar 5

  • en

    Graeme Coleman


    Wouldn't even give it 1 star. Dirty room, brown stain on duvet cover, mattress was blackened with ground in dirt, looks like it may have been a lilac colour 20 years or so ago, springs were non existant. Furniture was fit only for a bonfire. Curtains don't close as they sit 2-3 inches away from the wall. Carpet has cut out patches all over it and hasn't been fixed to the floor, 1 inch gap of floorboards between carpet edge and wall. Bathroom floor looks like it's not been cleaned for months, black mould under toilet, shower dirty. Took pictures to show the state of the place. I was booked in for two nights for £78, so cheap room but you couldn't pay me to stay there. No refund policy. I stayed for 10 minutes before making up an excuse to save face and leave. Will never return. If you are given room 1, just turn around and run a mile. Absolutely terrible place.

  • en

    david trainer


    Nice place friendly staff only problem was no public telephones anywhere to be found

  • The PhotoGrabber

    The PhotoGrabber


    I have yet to eat at the restaurant but every so often I'll pop in for a coffee. Very nice environment amazing attention to detail on the decor and always friendly front of house staff.

  • en

    Shirley Weir


    Hotel from hell. Lefy aftet 2 hours. First room the curtains were hanging off the window. Second room was so cold, Wind was howling through the window and the noise from the other guests was ridiculous. Definatly don't recommend this hotel.

  • David Lyall

    David Lyall


    Very nice hotel. Good location. Nice and clean. Friendly staff

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