Crown & Mitre Hotel i Carlisle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeCrown & Mitre Hotel


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English Street, CA3 8HZ, Carlisle, Cumbria, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1228 525491
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Latitude: 54.8945337, Longitude: -2.9365521

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pamela White


    It is a grand hotel and the room was very comfortable. However I was woken up between 5-6am by a lot of noise beyond my room. It continued until I left at 9.30am and sounded like large items being moved about, heavy footsteps and radio. It spoilt my stay . I mentioned at reception and got a blank look.

  • Max L

    Max L


    Lovely hotel part of the Peel Hotel group. Hosted US President Wilson back in the day. If you are looking for an ultra modern hotel then not for you....but the food is fantastic and the rooms are big plenty of old world features. I really liked it and smack bang in the middle of Carlisle

  • en

    Sandy Kilpin


    Parking at the rear of the hotel, is a major plus for a city centre hotel. The staff were all friendly, efficient and very helpful. The room was clean and fresh. Walk in shower always a bonus. The food here, both evening meal and the breakfast were top class. Didn’t take advantage of the swimming pool. Maybe next time.

  • Debbie Gwillim

    Debbie Gwillim


    Historic hotel. If not staying, you can still go in for a coffee or drink. Lunchtime meal. Often hold theme nights such as murder mystery. Can set up beautifully for weddings, proms, graduations. Very near the cathedral. Good town centre location. Other restaurants close by. Friendly, professional staff.

  • Angela Scott

    Angela Scott


    Great location within easy reach of city centre and all its amenities. Swimming pool very small. Bar disappointing when beer ran out twice in the same evening and replacement on offer was not the best choice. Food in buffet and breakfast good. Free car parking in city centre is a bonus. Hotel within easy reach and walk of station, castle, shops, bars and restaurants. Would recommend.

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