De Vere Orchard Hotel i Nottingham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeDe Vere Orchard Hotel



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Beeston Lane, NG7 2RJ, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 222 4836
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Latitude: 52.939294, Longitude: -1.202119

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andreas Schneider


    The hotel has a really good feel to it. All rooms seem to be designed to be either twin or double. If you have accidentally ordered the wrong type then ask at reception and they can split or combine the beds. Mattresses are quite firm. The bathroom is really nice, especially the walk in shower. Unfortunately the restaurant doesn't stand up to the standard of the rest of the hotel. Parties of 10 or more can only order from a very limited menu. Portions are fairly small for what you pay with the exception of the pizzas. Free WiFi all over and computer access in the lobby is a great bonus. Overall a great place to stay.

  • en

    Nick Miles


    Faultless. The combination as conference centre hotel and visitor retreat work really well and it's university campus location is ideal too. I have stayed here a number if times ad the consistent high point is the attitude of the staff. Professional, helpful and smiley. Lots of parking too. I'd recommend eating dinner there too - the De Vere restaurant would give any top Nottingham location a run for it's money. Breakfast is pretty good too. Not all rooms and floors are the same so stay a few times to see the difference. Try a walk around the campus too - you can access all areas including lakeside within just a few short minutes. Love it!

  • en

    shaun castledine


    Very clean hotel set in the grounds of university of Nottingham. Lovely grounds to walk in and brilliant friendly staff. Nice place for a business stay or as a short weekend getaway. Links from the site into the centre of Nottingham are good as trams run and good bus links as well.

  • Jeff Latham

    Jeff Latham


    Excellent facility for our delegates. Very comfortable rooms and blends in really well to outside environment. Third visit and check in is still rather clunky. Despite being there during the worst that winter can throw at us it was still accessible and the rooms were nicely warm.

  • en

    damon kirby


    Well laid out hotel with a good eating area. While there I didn't try the gym so couldn't personally talk about it. The rooms were well furnished and the bathroom was very nice. Just a couple of things prevent a 5 star review. The rooms all smelt faintly of sewage, unpleasant to start with however you fail to notice it after a while. Some of the furnishings were damaged, scuffed or broken which detracted from the overall feel of the hotel.

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