Debenhams w Bristol

Zjednoczone KrólestwoDebenhams



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-5, St. James Barton, BS1 3LT, Bristol, City of Bristol, GB United Kingdom
kontakt telefon: +44 344 800 8877
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 51.4588254, Longitude: -2.5899986

komentarze 5

  • en



    Decent range of departments with more high-end/designer stock. Good little cafe on the top floor.

  • Ashlynn Rosetti

    Ashlynn Rosetti


    Managers and staff just stand around and chat all day- you are lucky to get served. The menswear department is so untidy, it's unreal. Prices of products and clothing are increased and they are promoted as being on offer which is ridiculous and misleading to the consumer. Debenhams is the worst retailer ever. I would recommend House of Fraser- better value, better quality, bigger range and management actually care about customers.

  • en

    Me Me


    Very friendly and helpful staff went in looking for suit and shirt but weren't sure of size so the ladies measured me up and give me a few sizes to try till we found the right one they also helped my wife selecting the perfect size bra very helpful

  • en

    Ronnie Pickering


    Great shop. I love looking around Debenhams. The staff are always friendly and helpful and they usually have a good selection of clothing and other items

  • Ana Mago

    Ana Mago


    Sweet and sour shopping experience... Not many interesting brands in home products or women's wear, but their sales are good for getting a bargain. I buy there Mac cosmetics and handful of brands not made in China, that have a nice fabric. Personnel is not very helpful and they seem unmotivated. Restaurant on the top floor needs some revamping. Worth's a visit, though.

najbliższy Dom handlowy

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