DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London - Westminster i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeDoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London - Westminster


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30, John Islip Street, SW1P 4DD, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7630 1000
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Latitude: 51.4932738, Longitude: -0.1270684

kommentar 5

  • Steph & Vaggeli

    Steph & Vaggeli


    We will be back and I have already recommended to my sister for her upcoming vacation. Had a very good stay here, you get exactly what Doubletree is known for. We really enjoyed the lounge, food was good but not overpriced and they had a nice selection of cocktails to choose from. Reception were very pleasant and helpful and the lobby is comfortable and welcoming. The room not big but this is London so it was ample compared to others. Housekeeping was not good; room was clean but not very well and some items did not get replaced or the garbage was missed.

  • Samir Idnani

    Samir Idnani


    We recently stayed here during the London matching. Amazing location. Hotel was quiet, clean and the staff was very friendly. Next time we are in London we will absolutely stay again

  • David Pinnell

    David Pinnell


    Room and front desk get a good 4.5. executive lounge is fine for beer in the evenings with cold cuts.. the warm food was not appetizing, very crowded, not really the place to meet and discuss business, otherwise it was clean and we'll tended. The restaurant on the first floor above the lobby is a waste, the food was not horrible but not great either. Service was horrible, took drink orders quick but had to chase someone down so we could order dinner.... The same for desert. I could understand if they we're swamped... Maybe 6 tables.

  • Derek Tenney

    Derek Tenney


    Hotel staff were friendly. We stayed here because they advertise having cribs. I guess over holiday they run out of cribs. The hotel staff made everything right by us and we received a crib our second night. Location is a short walk to local attractions. The room was average. Needed some updating but overall an enjoyable stay.

  • ReabowRotors



    You do not get what you pay for. Only paid parking, even for guests. Parking is absolutely horrible unless you have a tiny car! Rooms are small. Air conditioning is pathetic. Customer service is VERY slow but pleasant in the restaurant, over 15 minutes to bring a coke and glass of wine but they were nice. Had to get up and pay at the bar after waiting 10 minutes for the bill. They ran out of ketchup! how can a restaurant in central London run out of ketchup? Also no hot water due to technical problems, no reimbursement either

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