Dubrovnik Hotel & Restaurant i Bradford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeDubrovnik Hotel & Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

3, Oak Avenue, BD8 7AQ, Bradford, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1274 543511
internet side: www.dubrovnik.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.8103481, Longitude: -1.765712

kommentar 5

  • Dean Mitchell

    Dean Mitchell


    Really nice afternoon tea

  • en

    sharon Archibald


    Beautiful food great atmosphere and really friendly staff - lovely place to go for a relaxing meal

  • en

    Sarah Randle


    Visited last weekend. A very friendly welcome. Excellent food and very accommodating staff. Nothing too much trouble and Dudley was a star! There was seven people in our party and we would not hesitate to go back.

  • en

    Lindsey Henry


    Lovely food and great staff made our visit from Brackenhall Court memorable today

  • en

    Lin C


    Clean, spacious room and parking. Restful and quiet. Very helpful staff. Excellent breakfast with fresh coffee. Good showers with loads of hot water. Not too near to Bradford. Easy access to the Dales, York, Harrogate, etc. Excellent value for money.

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