Duddeston i Birmingham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeDuddeston


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Birmingham B7 4ST, Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44
internet side: www.londonmidland.com
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Latitude: 52.48838, Longitude: -1.87139

kommentar 5

  • Yousuf Ahmad

    Yousuf Ahmad


    A Place Of Memory For Sure, Shared Many Here & Haven't Even Worked A Month At My New Workplace Yet, Good Station For A Stop In Alum Rock/Nechells ARea, Tains Come At A Decent Rate Not In Comparison To Other Major Stations, But Glad There's A Station Inbwteen Alot Of Areas Which Makes It Really Convenient, The Job Gets Done! - @just_be_yousuf -

  • Dskellington



    A small train station in nechells, Birmingham on a busy road. The trains come every half an hour and go towards Birmingham New Street and towards sutton coldfield and four oaks. It normaly takes around 5 minutes on the train. The number 14 bus run outside the station; the number 14 bus goes towards Birmingham city centre. There is normally has staff in the ticket office. The station has no toilet facilities.

  • Sanjith Hegde

    Sanjith Hegde


    Literally no security, anybody can beat someone up and run away without getting caught, CCTV's don't do the job all the time

  • en

    Zi R


    Ticket office opens whenever it wants not convenient Lifts stinks of wee urgh!!! Had to take the pushchair up the stairs Please sort it out thanks

  • Loz Keeley

    Loz Keeley


    Does the job, ticket office seems to only be open at random does though.

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