Durham Marriott Hotel Royal County i Durham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeDurham Marriott Hotel Royal County



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Old Elvet, DH1 3JN, Durham, County Durham, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 191 386 6821
internet side: www.marriott.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.7756364, Longitude: -1.571757

kommentar 5

  • Andrew colley

    Andrew colley


    Fantastic place to stay. Facilities are excellent , staff are wonderful; helpful and knowledgeable, food is excellent - breakfasts are a delight, a marvellous choice from cold to hot food, the cooked breakfast is not greasy/oily, evening meal choice is plentiful and good quality. We advised the hotel that one of the party is Gluten Free- staff went above and beyond to assist with dietary requirements. Hotel location Ideal.

  • en

    lee asquith


    Staff are very friendly and helpful. The room is nice and spacious and you are able to do room service. Has a gym and swimming pool which is also good. Food is also nice from breakfast to tea. Would recommend it

  • Aimee Smith

    Aimee Smith


    I came here on a business trip and was very impressed by everything. Hotel and room facilities were spot on, clean and comfortable. Most importantly the staff were amazing. I suffer with epilepsy and unfortunately collapsed at breakfast. My colleagues couldn't praise the hotel staff enough for their quick and professional responses. A fantastic team and lovely hotel.

  • en

    Simon Wilkinson


    Hotel in a great spot in the town. Staff were amazing. Friendly and helpful. Room a nice size, bed quite small. Huge queues for breakfast Sunday morning.

  • laetitia wouendji

    laetitia wouendji


    lovely stay at the mariott. the room I had was very spacious, with a large comfortable bed. the pillows were maybe a bit too soft for my liking. the staff was very pleasant which always makes a stay better. I've only used the gym facilities and they were small but adequate for a hotel. I would definitely recommend.

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