Empire Casino i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5-6, Leicester Square, WC2H 7NA, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3642 8597
internet side: www.thecasinolsq.com
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Latitude: 51.510867, Longitude: -0.130344

kommentar 5

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    Charlotte Fong-San-Pin


    Went to visit on bank holiday Monday, loved the upstairs Carlsberg area where you can sit, have drinks, watch sports and chat in some comfy seats.

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    Iulia Sss


    Great place. Went there for a party. The staff was so amzing. Great cistomer service. Place very clean. Good music. Fantastic cocktails and food. Had lots of fun. Will definitely come back.

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    Bakul Patel


    Took my friends today. I went in, friends challenged, they are both in their mid 30'. She was asked for ID. He was addressed as you would imagine a yob would be. I naturally waited, but was met with contempt and asked to keep the path clear. I was not blocking it and further no one was anywhere near attempting to get in or out. Spoke to the manager (Matt Faulkner-Collins) and asked for a sensible explanation. No information was volunteered. We will not be returning. Spend your money elsewhere. These people have an unhealthy contempt for their clientele. I have reluctantly given them one star as that was the baseline option.

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    Valentina Gei


    I want to say thanks to two girls of the STAFF : Odessa and Alicia. Perhaps no one thinks about saying "thanks" to for their beautiful work in the bathroom. They are friendly, patient and great workers. the bath was always cleaned and perfect. I'm a customer and I want to say great job and thanks.

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    hanane white


    Positives: Slots and casino, good size. Staff friendly. Clean. Great location right in Leicester Square. Negatives: no one come round and offers you a drink which I find unusual because every casino I’ve ever been in does that except this one. If have a bag (not including woman’s handbags) but back pack, shopping bags etc you can’t take them in the casino but there is a cloakroom and a £1 charge for storing them which keeps the casino respectable looking and clutter free.

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