Euro Queens Hotel w London

Zjednoczone KrólestwoEuro Queens Hotel


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122, Church Road, SE19 2UG, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakt telefon: +44 20 8653 6622
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Latitude: 51.4152103, Longitude: -0.0832409

komentarze 5

  • hijesh vl

    hijesh vl


    I happened to stay in this place last Friday. Let's start with room. The room was big enough and had comfy beds. But there were no power sockets anywhere close to the beds. I had to sit in a corner on the floor to charge my phone. There is a bath tub but it couldn't be closed. Breakfast was not good at all for 6 pounds. Wifi is not free. The rooms are clean and well maintained. There was a TV in the room with dead remote. But it is very cheap and affordable

  • en

    Kevin Over


    I would recommend euro queens hotel to any one I have used this hotel for many years and stay many weeks at a time the hotel is great to get in to London from . The hotel has good security my car is always left there guy are keeping an eye on the out side all night. The rooms are fantastic for the price and always clean . The staff are so helpfull and friendly . At my last stay I was working nights the young girl that clean my room always done a great job and was so polite .the bar staff are always very friendly as well and the bar and restaurant is great to spend few hrs after work in and relax. The front desk staff are always helpful and quick to get checked in . And one mature gentleman that has work there ever since I have been going there is out standing he always remembers my name as soon as he sees me it like home from home when staying away I would recommend the hotel to any one 5 stars from me

  • Central Rider

    Central Rider


    Just been refurbished and looking really good. Secure parking clean rooms and good bar with very well priced food. Great hotel

  • en

    Beck T


    Crystal Palace is a nice area with a lot of good shops and restaurants, not too far from London without the hustle and bustle. The hotel is old and spread it. I timed myself, it took about 6 minutes to walk from the back of the hotel where my room was to reception, going up and down three flights of stairs. Luckily I only had a small suitcase, but saw other guests struggling with much larger suitcases which filled the entire staircase. The reception staff originally could not find my booking, and when I returned to find my key card didn't work and to check out, were quite rude and short with me. The room was alright, but not cleaned properly, particularly the shower. When my bed was made when I left for the day, the soap was taken but not replaced, and not all the rubbish was emptied. There was one bin, in the bathroom, even though a kettle with tea bags and sugar packets were provided. Obviously this is an old hotel and some things can't be helped. However better service from the staff could go a long way, including helping guests to follow the obscure and confusing signs to their rooms and helping with large luggage.

  • Dillon Goodall

    Dillon Goodall


    We stayed at the hotel overnight as we needed somewhere for 1 night in the area. The staff were very friendly and helpful which was nice. We booked a double en suite room which came with a free continental breakfast. The room looked like it hadn't been decorated in about 10 years, however the room and bathroom was very clean so cannot complain too much. Online when we booked, we asked for extra pillows and an iron and hair dryer, which wasn't provided for us so we had to go ask at the reception. The continental breakfast was not too bad. You're provided with a croissant, ham and cheese, a yogurt and some tinned fruit. Then you may go and help yourself to drinks (hot and cold), toast and cereal. The restaurant area was very new and modern, and signs around the hotel indicated they were in the middle of refurbishment. Overall I'd give this a 3 star rating, but I can definitely see why it's a 2 star hotel. Also, WiFi is not provided unless you pay and 4g signal was very patchy.

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