Fairlawns Hotel and Spa i Walsall

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Det Forenede KongerigeFairlawns Hotel and Spa


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178, Little Aston Road, WS9 0NU, Walsall, West Midlands, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 1922 455122
internet side: www.fairlawns.co.uk
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Latitude: 52.6030315, Longitude: -1.897817

kommentar 5

  • Steve 'THE FLUB'

    Steve 'THE FLUB'


    Excellent rooms, modern, clean the produced a great atmosphere. Food was well prepared, presented and gorgeous. The staff were polite, clean, Pleasant and courteous and well trained. This is the second time here and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

  • en

    Abigail Hancock


    My sister in law and I had a spa day here today and had a fantastic time! Beautiful new clean facilities, lots to do from steam rooms to saunas, a large pool and hot tubs are in the process of being built. The food was great and in abundance, we also got a 10 minute water massage included in the £65. From speaking to others and looking into the best spa day and value for money, this ticked all our boxes! Will be going back! I also bought a Swedish Massage and that was wonderful too, the staff were very professional and the music was so relaxing. Great day!

  • en

    Laura Hodgkinson


    Fairlawns deserves each one of its five stars. Not only does it boast such lavish decoration and facilities along with luxurious and modern suites. The restaurant provides an excellent fine dining experience with tasty and quality food and drinks. The staff are very attentive and welcoming offering such a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Thoroughly enjoyed the valentines romantic package and would recommend to every and any one. 10/10!!!!

  • Sumantha McMahon

    Sumantha McMahon


    Really nice hotel and great staff. It’s 5 stars for the hotel but 3 or less for the spa. To get to the sauna you have to go outside to another building - not fun in the freezing cold with a swimming costume on. Re the pedicure, the beautician did it in low light so amateur finish. They seem more interested in having a luxurious atmosphere then good quality treatment.

  • Michael Bartsch

    Michael Bartsch


    Sehr schöne SPA Abteilung. Haben einen sehr schönen Tag verbringen dürfen.

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