Flying Fish Sushi i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeFlying Fish Sushi



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85, Scoresby S, SE1 0XN, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3058 2200
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Latitude: 51.504232, Longitude: -0.103598

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anjum Waheed


    Just love these guys! I have been ordering Chicken Katsu Curry and various Nigiri from these guys - and the food is excellent, is always delivered warm and quickly. Excellent food and excellent service.

  • Burak UYTUN

    Burak UYTUN


    I ordered food on 19th of November (Southwark Branch) with the following note: Delivery information: IMPORTANT!: We don't eat pork so please change the pork dumplings with shrimp&chicken. Also baby is sleeping. Please ring us and don't buzz the door. Thanks. First of all, they buzzed the door and baby woke up but I can live with that. The actual problem is, there was pork in the dumplings! So ignoring the ones that I wasn't aware, they made me eat pork after 34 years... I am not mentioning that the rest of the food was horrible either. I mean this branch was good, we loved the food so far but I don't know what happened, the food turned to really bad for our last 3-4 orders. This was the last drop. Imagine that I had allergies! This is no joke, people can get hurt. When I called the manager he simply and negligently said he is sorry and he can refund *only* the dumplings which still they haven't yet. I am not going to chase this, I am just sad watching a beloved restaurant going bad like this.

  • mary star

    mary star


    We had both sushi and donburi and everything was just perfect! Staff really friendly and helpful , cool location, good price!

  • en

    Milo Chen


    Coming up to 90 mins and still waiting on food. Called twice but every time just told food would arrive in 5 mins. That was 30 mins ago. Never had to wait so long for sushi before. Dont think Ill order again

  • Miss Lex Donovan

    Miss Lex Donovan


    Used to enjoy the sushi regularly but the last few times the avocado was really under ripe and inedible, and the rolls are expensive to not be spot on. The final time I ordered I was very unwell afterwards so haven't ordered again since.

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