Future Inn Cardiff Hotel i Cardiff

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeFuture Inn Cardiff Hotel


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Hemingway Road, CF10 4AU, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 845 094 5487
internet side: www.futureinns.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.4681435, Longitude: -3.158651

kommentar 5

  • Turtle ZED

    Turtle ZED


    A comfortable stay in an efficient and friendly hotel. My daughter liked the ‘very smiley’ receptionist, my son loved the ‘turbo’ lift, my wife felt relaxed and I loved the sausages! A great stay- convenient for the bay plus a bus service 3 mins walk which takes you to the city centre (number 6 bus- thanks for the tip Future Inn staff, by the way). We’ll choose Future Inns again and have told our friends and family about it.

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    David Evans


    Was there for afternoon conference. Reasonably smart modern hotel, but disappointing to be offered only instant coffee or a tea bag with warm, non boiling, water. Perhaps this is what the organizers paid for, but I'd have thought a self respecting hotel would insist on serving decent tea and coffee.

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    Kniama Edubri


    Nice stylish modern hotel. Great location in cardiff bay. There are lots of restaurants, bars and entertainment in the area. All walking distance from the hotel. Staff are friendly and welcoming. Free parking when you provide your registration details at reception

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    Andrew Watkins


    We stayed in a king bed suite and the room was nice but not enough clothes storage for stays of more than a couple of nights. We stayed for 6 and couldn't really unpack due to not enough space for all our clothes. The restaurant was nice and breakfast was tasty and well stocked. The location is excellent and parking plentiful. Would have given it 5 stars if not for the storage issue.

  • Jason Mountjoy

    Jason Mountjoy


    Very solid experience. Good room. Very polite and helpful staff. Excellent location for spending time in the bay. Would definitely stay again. Slightly disappointing view, but otherwise good all round.

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