Glen Mhor Hotel & Apartments i Inverness

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeGlen Mhor Hotel & Apartments



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7-17, Ness Bank, IV2 4SG, Inverness, Highland, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1463 234308
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Latitude: 57.47376, Longitude: -4.2267026

kommentar 5

  • en

    John O'Neill


    Nice clean hotel. Nice food and good choice for breakfast. Staff friendly and helpful. Drinks a bit expensive though

  • Caitlin Fitzgerald

    Caitlin Fitzgerald


    We stayed here for one night during our honeymoon. The room was clean and comfortable. American tourists beware - no elevator. We had to drag our 2 weeks worth of luggage up several flights of stairs. Breakfast is basic but does the trick.

  • en

    Joseph Hilton


    I really enjoyed staying here. My wife and I stayed for 2 nights. The rooms are split between several buildings next to each other, with a key card to access the front door to the building you will be in, and your room, the key card will easily fit in your wallet/purse. The room was a decent size with on suite bathroom with a powerful shower. The ' double bed ' was 2 singles pushed together, but they never moved, no sense of falling between them. Breakfast consisted of a help yourself buffet, With cooked food and cereals. And dinner in the bar/restaurant was enjoyed by both my wife and I. Overall, a good 2 nights away.

  • Malin Öbrell

    Malin Öbrell


    Really nice room!! Clean and tidy, big and comfy! Staff really helpful and fast to help. Good food in the restaurant and for breakfast! Though when there's not much people, the staff tend to linger and watch you in the restaurant, to be able to help in car it's needed I'm sure, but it can feel a bit stressing. But I would not hesitate to stay here again!! Such a nice place and city! Love it!! 😍

  • Johan Zegers

    Johan Zegers


    Stayed there for 2 nights in 2 different rooms. Beds are really good and rooms are big (classic double room in Alexander building)food is good (fair price for the quality and amount) and the service is great. Had an issue and they solved it properly. It has a nice view over the river in Inverness.

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