Halfords i Oxford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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B, Meadowside Retail Park, Oxford OX2 0FE, Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1865 251093
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Latitude: 51.7507199, Longitude: -1.2847081

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Harness

    Stephen Harness


    Friendly and well informed staff. Always happy to advise. Popular, so can be a short wait at times.

  • en

    Gillian Atkinson


    Sales were ok but they after service was disgraceful. They wanted me to fix my own radio I bought 2 weeks before

  • Saman Jamshidifard

    Saman Jamshidifard


    Super duper time wasters. Avoid Matty and manager.

  • Susie Holden

    Susie Holden


    Bike service team here are great and staff are always so helpful fitting you in no matter how busy they are. Recommend!

  • John Faulkner

    John Faulkner


    Beautifully clean and airy store and a pleasant place to be. Well laid out and things are mostly easy to find. Helpful and knowledgeable staff when things cannot be found. Now that the Motorist Discount Centre in Elms Parade Botley is gone this is the main source of motoring and car cleaning materials. As to batteries, a good selection but might be worth a look at the Motor Factors on Osney Mead before committing?

nærmeste Cykel butik

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